The Nation of Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam

Musa said to his lord " my lord, you have created Adam whith your power and breathed into prostate for him, and entered hhim in paradise, and you accepted his repentance, how could he thank you in return for all the favors ?". so Allah subhanahu wata'ala tell him." oh Musa it was sufficient from Adam that he said Alhamdulillah "praised be to Allah lord of the worlds".

Musa asked, " oh my lord if a  servant say oh lord while bowing down in worship what do you tell for him ?" Allah said : i tell him " I'm here oh servent ". Musa asked : and if he says it while prostrating ?" Allah said : " I say I'm here oh servent".

Musa asked : and if he says it while being a sinner ? Allah said " I tell him here I'm. indeed Allah Allah, the most high said to Musa, son of Imran, about our prophet  Muhammad sallahu 'alaihi wasallam, while recelving the taurot Musa sait to his Lord "oh my Lord I see that  there will be a nation if a morsel is stuck in their stomach you forgive their sins, because they start their food with Bismillah and they end it with Alhamdulillah, oh Allah make it my nation my lord ". Allah said to Musa " it is the Nation of Muhammad".

Musa said to his lord " oh my lord I seethat it is written the tablet that there will be a Nation, if one of them is about to commit a sin, but did not commit it and left it by the fear of Allah, you whrite it down for him as agood deed, make it my Nation oh my lord". Allah said to him " oh Musa it is the Nation of Muhammad".

Musa said, oh lord i see that it's written in the tablet that there will be a nation, if one of them is about to do a good deed, but did not make it, it's written down for him as a good deed and if he does it, it's written down for him as 10 good deeds up to 700+ make it my Nation oh my lord ". and Allah said to him " oh Musa it is the Nation of Muhammad, so Musa said " oh my lord make me from the nation of Muhammad".

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